How Much is this Gonna Cost?

A lot of marketing firms will invite you to their place to have a "get together" and charge you a couple grand to listen to them state the obvious and dazzle you with buzzwords from the head of the table. We've sat in those meetings trying not to roll our eyes in an obvious fashion...

By our estimation, meetings in the workplace, generally, are unproductive. Slackers enjoy meetings because they halt productivity, hard workers hate meetings for the same reason.

We're hard workers.

Anyway, it's the seemingly pointless expenditures (and costly meetings) that make a lot of small companies afraid to reach out when it comes to marketing themselves. The result is a lot of amateur websites, horrible advertisements in the step-saver, and 40-foot billboards that look like a middle school art project gone wrong.

It doesn't need to cost a lot to look professional.

Now we're sure you've visited some of our competitors (which we actually call 'friends' around here) and have searched high and low for what they charge for this or for that.

We've looked.

Hard numbers are tough to find.

We're not sure what the big secret is -- we're not in on it either.

So, since we like to take our own road, we *do* list prices.

Lawn Care

At Speedy Green, we're not your average lawn care company. Chris has been mowing lawns with a push mower since 1985 and continues to mow straight lines with amazing precision to this day!

For lawn care service, we charge a flat fee of $1 million.

Seriously. We're *that* good.


Okay, you've got a website idea in mind. You've got the know-how and/or desire to do it yourself. You might have even already registered a domain name -- you just need a place to put it.

Hey, maybe we can hook up?

We can't offer hosting packages as low as GoDaddy can but we're not going to tie your hands and keep all of the features *everyone* should have available only at the higher price points. That's just, well... it's wrong.

You want a MySQL database? No problem.

You want 600 email addresses? No problem.

Like a lot of others, we offer 3 tiers of hosting. Our's have way cooler names, though...


$5 / month

  • MySQL Database
  • 5 Email Addresses
  • 500 MB of Space
  • 1000 MB of Bandwidth

Contact Us

Station Wagon

$10 / month

  • MySQL Database
  • 50 Email Addresses
  • 1000 MB of Space
  • 5000 MB of Bandwidth

Contact Us


$20 / month

  • MySQL Database
  • Unlimited Email Addresses
  • 5000 MB of Space
  • 20000 MB of Bandwidth

Contact Us

Web Design

Let's say your website sucks. You know it. Your client's know it. Even your mom is unimpressed.

Don't portray an unprofessional image for your company...TO THE WHOLE WORLD?! Why would you do that?

The internet is NOT a path to riches. Just tossing a page up on the internet will not bring in hoards of customers. What it does have the power to do, though, is give potentential customers a great first impression. Especially if your website looks better than the competition.

Think about it, most pizza places are essentially the same. But some are far more popular than others? Why is that?

Location may have a little to do with it but so does presentation -- whether it be your website, the graphics on the box the pizza comes in, or your flyers/menus that go out in the local mail.

Image is almost as important as the product or service your company provides. The webpage should be an important part of your overall marketing strategy.

For $250, we'll re-vamp your existing website or, if you don't have one, we'll create a new one from scratch and have you on the internet in a matter of days.

You know, a home page, a few content pages, and maybe a contact form too using a new (or your own existing) domain name.

Short, simple, sweet, quick, and, most importantly, effective at getting your message across.

Web Maintenance

By trade, we're webmasters. Maintaining a website is right in our wheelhouse and it's something we've been doing since, well, the dawn of the internet.

Whether we designed it or not, it doesn't matter. We can update a page, add an event to a schedule, upload a PDF file (we'll even make the PDF for you!), change a picture, make a drop down menu, send a mass newsletter, you name it.

And while some folks think they can manage this sort of stuff on their own, the fact remains that there are any awful lot of business websites out there that haven't been updated since, gasp, 2005.

Just haven't gotten around to it yet, huh?

A great website is easily the best marketing tool around. It's cheap and it's available to the entire planet.

An outdated website is, well, kinda like having a rusted-out car up on blocks in front of your house. It's like kicking your reputation in the shins.

In all honesty, it's probably hurting your business more than it's helping...

So, whether it's a single update a year or numerous updates per week, we charge a flat rate of $30/hour billed by the second.

Now, we know that might sound like a lot of moolah but give it a chance...

See, we've been doing this for a long time and we're really good at it. What might take you half an hour (filled with frustration) will probably take us just a couple of minutes.

Would you pay $1 to outsouce 30 minutes worth of work?

And, as a cherry on top, we don't do what lawyers do and set a minimum time limit. If it takes us 15 seconds to update something on your website, you'll be charged for 15 seconds. No more.

For the record, 15 seconds would cost you approximately 13 cents.

Print Design

Logos aren't really our thing and most companies already have one.

But let's say you're about to place an add in the local newspaper? The Yellow Pages, perhaps? OR going big, like a roadside billboard?

We can help.

From brochures, postcards, birth announcements, wedding invitations, takeout menus, flyers, t-shirts, and stuff all the way up to those highway billboards, we have the tools and the know how to get it done.

We don't have a price set on stone here since there's such a diverse range of complexity involved but the rate is $30/hour billed by the second.

Sports Photography

We've been the official team photographer for the top affilate of the New York Rangers since 2004. What does that mean?

Well, that means we've got the equipment and skill to take photos that end up on magazine covers. Been there, done that.

But we don't only shoot professional athletes -- we'll shoot your children's soccer or baseball game and make THEM look like pros.

Yep, we'll show up looking just like one of those NFL Sideline guys you see with the two-foot lenses attached to a stick.

Serving all of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, we'll shoot action shots of an entire game and provide you with access to the photos we've taken (and a copyright release for when you go to have them printed and they tell you that they're "too" good) for $250.

Portrait Photography

This is a service we jokingly call glorified mugshots.

We're not going to pretend we can give you results that rival Glamour Shots -- we're not going to apply make-up or pose you in an uncomfortable position in a director's chair -- but we do have the studio equipment that we can bring on scene for a professional headshot.

Having worked extensively with professional athletes -- and their less than enthusiastic mood towards picture day -- we've gotten pretty good at taking a less than ideal situation and making it look pretty darn good. We're sure you'll be much more inclined to smile for us.

For $75, we'll come to you and shoot individual headshots until you're satisfied with the results. This isn't like the pictures they take in grade-school -- we're not going to stick you with a shot where you're blinking. In fact, we'll provide you with files of all of the photos taken during the shoot.

Real Estate Photography

This is a service for Real Estate agents. As you know, selling a home isn't like it used to be. Potential buyers are searching listings online so the pictures posted are VERY important when it comes to drawing attention to your listings.

Stop snapping photos with your iPhone!? They look like mugshots. They do.

Chris' mother may have written the book on "Successfully Staging your Home" but he's not going to put you though the trouble of re-painting or bringing in rented furniture. No, he'll just help you spruce up your real estate listings considerably.

In Central Connecticut, for $50 per address, we'll come shoot exterior and, if you like, interterior shots of the home and provide you with the photos to attach to your listings.

Best of all, we're quick and won't have you wasting your valuable time. We'll be in and out in less than 20 minutes and have the optimized photos to you on the same day.

Contact us and we'll come in with the right equipment and make it look as great as it actually does in person. Your leads will increase from the second you start using better (and more) photos on your listings.

Wedding Photography

We know what we're good at. But wedding photography is not one of them.

Sure, we'll shoot your wedding or do a series of engagement photos if you insist but, you've be warned, our fee for this type of thing is... $10 billion.

And you thought our rate for lawn care was expensive?! Ha!



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